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    « I Voted For Mitt . . . | Main | Are The Democrats Screwed? »

    February 02, 2008



    John McCain will rival Michael Dukakis for success in the general election. He is too polarizing(among Republicans) and is thought to be treacherous on too many core issues. It's funny how many say they will vote for the enemy rather than a traitor! Fair? Maybe not, but it is what it is. Also,and most profoundly, like Hillary, he is not history; he's nostalgia.


    Roger that, indeed.

    There are only 3 possible results of the elections--and 2 1/2 of them leave the conservatives well-positioned for the 2012 election:

    1--Dhimm victory--totally discredits the squishy moderate strategy.

    2--McCain victory, but a failed administration--no-one will want to defend a 76-year-old enraged loser--again totally discredits the squishy moderate strategy.

    3--McCain victory and a successful admin--simply proves that McCain was not as liberal as he postured the past 10 years, and he [may] deserve a new term. He'll still be 76 years old.

    JB, let's make a million $$--we'll design/sell a bumper sticker, "VOTE MCCAIN" with a prominent nose being prominently held by prominent fingers.


    Gentlemen, gentlemen.

    I've been preoccupied for months now trying to pull off a surprise birthday party for the wife and now that I have pulled that off, I'm exhausted. Just when so much is happening politically!

    I'm trying to pull out of my slumber and I just read a nasty Frank Rich column on Hillary and the first 75 or so comments posted in response.


    In the black community, there exists a large segment of folks who unconsciously believe that African Americans have had to carry the water on the Affirmative Action front but white females have been the primary beneficiaries. That subplot explains the outrage in the black community that overflowed when people saw the way the Clintons were playing their hand in South Carolina.

    Very bad move by Hillary.

    What does this have to do with McCain? I can't say with any precision just yet but I know that it does.

    This election cycle is going to be historic.


    Hahaaaaa, another clean sweep by Barry Hussein tonight, I'm honestly rooting for the guy since he is putting the wooden stake thru the Klinton "dynasty."

    To me this is more important than ensuring a GOP win--EVIL MUST BE PUNISHED!!

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