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    « Weather Report From Atlanta Last Week | Main | Haiti Begins the Slow Advance Forward »

    January 28, 2011



    A quick google of "malnutrition, extrusion technology" tells me that the equipment and technology have already been developed for fortifying rice and soy in order to end malnutrition.

    The problem, of course, is that the poor can hardly afford the unfortified crops, let alone pay more for the enriched food.

    So sad are stories such as the 50 trucks sent to Haiti to help move the rubble and re-establish basic living quarters sitting unused because no one can pay the import duties. It all seems so hopeless for these people who live in such crippling poverty.

    God bless you, JB.


    Very kind of you, gadfly. Yes, there are issues and challenges at every step of the way but we are very hopeful about making the extrusion process, and its end-product foodstuff, work through creatively marrying up Haitian and American ingenuity with American technology.

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