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    « Target Acquired: Public-Sector Unions | Main | Admiration for the Japanese »

    March 09, 2011


    Steph Staten

    Hi RG, stopped by to see your take on things, lots here and will come back after I clear my desk of some things. But, you know how I always visit the spots where the left folks express themselves.... am struck by how overwhelmingly Marxist-like they are...I am sure I am getting a skewed sample and my readings may not reflect the actual Dem party, but between Harry Reid's cowboy poets and this, yikes!!!



    Steph, there's a reformation coming to the Dems and their party. One way or the other. And the dumb asses that have led them astray will pay the price for their America-hating stupidity.

    This country desperately needs a patriotic left-wing but these public-sector union clowns have made an unholy alliance with the America-haters and forever warped that party.

    To hell with all of 'em.

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