Yes, I'm incredulous.
And I am heartsick for my country.
I'm going to refrain from saying more now because I'm just that bent out-of-shape and the words I would surely use would be uncharitable. And that's an understatement.
I tried to tell Republicans I knew that it was not smart to select a northern guy as the number one on the ticket and then select a northern guy as the number two on the ticket. Why that wasn't obvious, I'll never know.
And yes, Marco Rubio would have won this damn election for the Republicans. Mitt Romney, we let the Democrats scare us away from making the obvious selection for Vice-President.
I am 38-hot and supremely pissed. But we as Republicans should not freak-out. The unsustainability of the Democrats approach is still self-evident. The day of reckoning is coming.
"The unsustainability of the Democrats approach is still self-evident. The day of reckoning is coming." So true. Economics has its own laws, similar to gravity, bouyancy, etc.
Posted by: Royce | November 08, 2012 at 11:49 PM
"Winning" Democrats Celebrate Gridlock.
The results from Tuesday night's election tally means, we are in for at least two more years of gridlock. Voters voted for status quo. The democrats hold the presidency, and the senate, the
republicans hold the house, so no change. It's going to be like ground hog day up in here for the foreseeable future.
Obama's gonna make us all strong as in what doesn't kill us makes us stronger LOL!
Posted by: keyboard jockey | November 09, 2012 at 02:09 PM
I agree and have long felt that the Republican Party has continued to drift away from true conservatism, especially Southern conservatism. I have been considering finding a small community and work on becoming part of a local economy and see what happens.
Looking at the election, how did the Republican's lose against the worst president we have ever had?
Was voter fraud an element, or perhaps the demographics has shifted away from conservatism? Either way I don't see the Republican Party recovering.
But what will come of the Democratic Party in the next 4 years, I suspect that Obama may accomplish doing to the Democratic Party what George Bush managed to do to the Republican Party.
I suspect very bad thinks will happen; but I pray that I am wrong.
1. A major economic collapse on the scale of the Great Depression.
2. Major Terrorist Attacks within the United States both in intensity and volume.
3. A major challenge to US military forces in either the Middle East or more likely Asia.
What will come from the collapse of our Nation; economically, politically and economically? Hopefully restoration of limited government with policy dominated by local government but the counter revolution is usually where the most dangerous despots emerge.
Conservatism still exists but will likely be driven from a flailing and panicking Republican Party.
I noticed that Ron Paul will retire from the House but is starting a project reaching out to young people on college campuses to educate then about the risks to freedom from the expanding federal government. Perhaps a new conservative party will emerge that is more aligned with an anti-federalist philosophy toward government?
Posted by: patrick | November 12, 2012 at 11:31 AM